Throw open the windows and get to spring cleaning your house. But what about Spring cleaning the roof?
Most of us don’t even think about our roof unless we notice a leak. However, a good spring clean can prevent leaks and other problems from occurring. Those branches and leaves from winter aren’t going to magically disappear on their own.
This article goes over 7 things you can do this spring to show your roof some love!
If you really don’t want to do this yourself, or it’s not safe for you to get on your roof – call us! We can have your roof cleaned up in no time!
Spring Cleaning the Roof Checklist
1. Clear Off Roof Debris
The two easiest ways to get rid of roof debris are by hand or with a leaf blower. Since we humans can’t fly, we use ladders. This can be tricky. Especially when toting a large leaf blower up there. If you cannot do it safely, then hiring professionals like Weathervane will be best for the job instead!
If you discover a lot of stuff on your roof, you might also have mold and mildew growing. This needs to be removed or it will eventually cause rot. You don’t want to have to buy a new roof sooner than you should have to.
P.S. If you can fly, let us know – we will hire you!
2. Wash Off Mold and Mildew
When you see signs of mold or mildew on your roof, it’s crucial to get rid of them as soon as possible. These hazardous growths can cause serious health problems and even lead to more structural damage in some cases! Call us today for an appointment so we may take care of these pests before they become too much trouble.
3. Examine Your Roof for Loose Shingles
It is snow secret that winter in Michigan is hard on roofs. This past winter we had some crazy freeze-thaw situations and high winds. The perfect scenario for losing shingles. But don’t fret. Often, your insurance company may cover the cost of replacing the shingles. You can call them, or we can call them.
If you are able to nail the shingles back in, that would be ideal. Either you should do it or call WeatherVane, but don’t ignore it. If you do not take care of the problem, it may cause water damage and eventually mold.
Shingles Blew Off My House – What do I do?
Roof Shingle Repair Mistakes to Avoid
4. Flashing and Chimney
Chimneys get ignored except by children on Christmas. Give your chimney some attention and it will be happy. Check that the flashing hasn’t pulled away from the chimney or your roof. This can create holes where water and bugs love to enter. These are easy to fix.
Chimney Repairs: How Healthy is Your Chimney?
5. Fallen Tree Branches
Tree branches are hard to miss, but if they fall during the winter you might have been inclined to leave them until Spring. Well, now is the time! Really, you should remove them as soon as they fall. If you can’t, call Weathervane – we’ll send out our guy who can fly. Or maybe just our really cool equipment.
Preventing Tree Damage to Roofs
6. Check the Attic
It is important to check your ceiling and attic for signs of water damage or mold. If you see any staining, a professional can easily pinpoint the cause and make repairs quickly before it gets worse! Also, check for critters.
Dealing with Animals in Roof Vents and Attics
7. Clean the Gutters
Are your gutters clogged? It’s common in the spring – so clean them out. If the rainwater cannot flow through them, it will back up and overflow, causing leaks. Don’t feel like doing this? That’s ok – we can help.
Clogged Gutters? Here’s What Could Happen
We Install Gutters and Gutter Shields
Bonus TIP: While you are up there, trim any nearby trees that are casting shadows on your roof. This will reduce the number of leaves that clog your gutters, and prevent branches from falling on your roof.
Wrap Up – Spring Cleaning the Roof
It’s official – one way or another you need to transform your roof from winter-laded to spring happy! If you do it yourself please be careful and use proper equipment and a good ladder. If you discover any big problems (or you want help) give us a call!